
Articles based on research and current thinking about your health from issues affecting heart, lungs, circulation, and the rest of your body to factors that support your wellness with strong immunity and energy


Keto Basics

How is America losing weight now? One way or another, keto eating is the winner. The International Food Council says 8% of people attempting to lose weight are doing keto, 10% are intermittent fasting (another way into keto) and 7% are sticking with low-carb eating (that’s a feature of keto, as well). So here’s your quick guide to keto and why it gets results.

The Return of the Spider Plant

When the indoor air makes you wheeze, you can spend $300 to $1000 for an HEPA air purifier. It will add a level of noise, take up space, and probably look ugly, too. Or maybe it’s time to remember the quietly elegant and useful spider plant.

Your Sweatpants Are Making You Fat

The year 2020 was the worst of times for our waistlines. Pandemic kept us indoors, eating our heads off. Remote work and worship kept us in sweatpants and athleisure. Now we can’t zip our old jeans. But this is fixable. And changing your clothes could help.

The Verdict: This Is How Many Fruits and Vegetables You Need

Finally we have the real, science-backed answer to the question “how many servings of fruits and vegetables should we eat every day?”

Five Common Reasons Your Toenails Get Thick—and Age Isn’t One of Them

When the dog’s toenails are prettier than yours, it’s time for action. Though you see them wherever bare feet and sandals occur, thick toenails are not just a benign side effect of getting older. They are a problem.