Articles based on research and current thinking about the challenges, joys, and how-to’s of doing right by your children and the animals in your care
What Happens When You Yell at Your Kids
Somewhere, there's a parent who has never yelled at his or her child. But there aren't many... how does that actually affect a child, and what should happen next?
How to Help Your Fearful Dog Before Aggression Happens
Solid research says fearful dogs are more likely to be aggressive. Then that Humane Society ad comes on TV showing scared, shivering dogs that look so sad we ache to give these poor mites a warm home. At our house. Tonight. Now what?
Two Tips to Cook Better At Home (With or Without the Kids)
Cooking at home is one of the best ways to be sure your family gets healthy nutrition and enjoys time together. But no matter how good your intentions, unless the cooking is comfortable, fun and fairly easy for you, pizza delivery is easier. These two tips will go a long way to help you keep your good cooking habit going.
Singing with the Kids Builds Lifetime Bonds
If you watch even a few episodes of The Voice, you will surely hear a heart-touching story about a singer who shared a love of music with a mom or dad.
It’s no accident. The special bonds that children form around playing or singing music with parents last for the rest of their lives.
Good Dog! Probiotics Made Our Rescue Dog a Success
If dogs could read the science and go shopping, they’d order probiotics, too. Especially if they were nervous.
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