
Articles based on research and current thinking about the food you eat and healthy weight management


Magnesium--The Quiet Mineral You Could Be Missing

Metals matter. We pop a zinc lozenge in our mouth to shorten colds. We check calcium levels to protect our bones and count on iron for red blood. But we rarely think about magnesium, even though it’s active in over 300 natural processes throughout our bodies.

11 Good Reasons to Eat More Nuts

When we were counting calories, nuts were a no-go. Then science saved us from depriving ourselves. It turns out that eating nuts can help you lose weight. Whether you are on a diet or not, they’re good nutrition.

From Aztecs to Outer Space,Spirulina Shines

Spirulina has been reinvented as a highly nutritious natural "superfood" for the modern age, following a thousand years of use by ancient civilizations. It's not just one of the best foods on planet Earth, NASA thinks it should be cultivated in space to supply food on long-term missions.

The Super Anti-aging Ingredient, Resveratrol

If you love drinking wine and grape juice or eating grapes, you could be behind your peers--in biological age, that is. Resveratrol, a compound found in the skin of grapes, helps slow the aging process.

How to Turn a Snack Habit Into a Health Plan

If you were raised to believe that eating between meals was a bad habit that would make you fat and spoil your dinner, time to reboot. Snacks between meals can be part of a healthy ahealthy eating plan.