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Facts About ED—The Manly Problem You Don’t Need to Fear

You were ready, excited, and then your erection fizzled. Does that mean you have erectile dysfunction?

The Unjournal… Where You’re Most Present by Being Absent

You mindfully eat a strawberry and observe how it tastes to you. You write a gratitude journal and note, “I am grateful that I…” You embrace self-care and vow, ”I’ll do more for me.” Maybe this is not always the path to bliss.

Your Sweatpants Are Making You Fat

The year 2020 was the worst of times for our waistlines. Pandemic kept us indoors, eating our heads off. Remote work and worship kept us in sweatpants and athleisure. Now we can’t zip our old jeans. But this is fixable. And changing your clothes could help.
Pets & Children

How to Help Your Fearful Dog Before Aggression Happens

Solid research says fearful dogs are more likely to be aggressive. Then that Humane Society ad comes on TV showing scared, shivering dogs that look so sad we ache to give these poor mites a warm home. At our house. Tonight. Now what?

Overdoing It Could Reverse Your HIIT Gains

Lead balloon, awful good, small crowd, open secret… The list of oxymorons has a new member. Moderate high-intensity interval exercise. It’s what you should be doing if you are apt to overdo it.
Special Report

Max Your Memory Power

Memory champion Kim Surin memorized 2,350 cards in one hour. Italian conductor Arturo Toscanini memorized 200 symphonies, note for note, and over 100 operas. C.S. Lewis, the author of the Narnia stories, recalled almost everything in every book he read. Memory champions work at it, but their techniques aren’t hard. You can use them, too.
Special Report

Max Your Memory Power

Memory champion Kim Surin memorized 2,350 cards in one hour. Italian conductor Arturo Toscanini memorized 200 symphonies, note for note, and over 100 operas. C.S. Lewis, the author of the Narnia stories, recalled almost everything in every book he read. Memory champions work at it, but their techniques aren’t hard. You can use them, too.
Special Report

Today’s Supernutrient Heroes According to Science

Remember when everyone was selling vitamin E to cure acne, strengthen weak eyes, fix depression, and reverse hardening of the arteries? But it doesn’t. Health fads come and go. But some nutrients really do have super powers. That’s not hearsay… they’ve been investigated in human trials. And these have had less publicity than they deserve. You should know about them.
Special Report

Slip, Trip, Fall: What You Need to Know At Every Age About America’s Third Most Deadly Health Risk

Almost everything written about the risks of falling focuses on old people and overlooks teens and healthy adults. That bias may be the most harmful public health myth of our times. That’s because injuries from falls, slips and trips kill more Americans every year than anything except heart disease and cancer. And every age group suffers. In fact, outdoor accidents are far more likely to happen to young, healthy people.
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